![]() 麵條的古稱甚夥,經文獻考出的有:湯餅、索餅、煮餅、水引餅、不托、餺飥、水引餺等不同名稱,其中可能因用料和形態的不同而名稱各異。到了後來,才以麵條名之。 經過長時期的發展、流傳,麵條在各國、各地和各民族中,形成各自獨特風格。綜觀各地麵食,大多以腍軟滑口為主,唯有廣東全蛋麵條獨闢蹊徑,以幼如絲、滑如脂,爽中有筋取勝。 傳統的廣東麵,源於廣州一帶,並以竹升打麵名於世。二十世紀二十至三十年代是其全盛期。而打麵師傳首推花縣人材輩出。 有半個世紀歷史的黃枝記雲吞麵,其創始人黃煥枝(東莞人)於四十年代到廣州,向同里黃景棠公學習竹升打麵技能。而黃景棠公乃師從花縣名師,故能得麵藝三昧。黃煥枝在黃景棠公悉心指導下,很快掌握了竹升打麵的訣竅,於一九四六年與夫人黃黎月雯等一起,在東莞石龍麵街創業,一炮而紅。 一九五一年遷店至廣惠福東路、梯雲路,與省城諸名店比試。一九五九年十一月,復遷店到澳門十月初五街五十一號,以銀絲細麵、蝦子清湯名揚濠江。 對麵食的製法,黃煥枝並不滿足於傳統枝能,在澳門的,近四十年相對較穩定的日子,不斷鑽研竹升打麵之道,對選料用材,更是一絲不苟,達到推陳出新、更上層樓的境界。 一九九五年,黃煥枝以八十歲高齡,前後兩次帶領弟子,在葡國總統面前,表演獨特的竹升打麵技法。 今天,黃枝記麵店已有第三代傳人,秉承竹升打麵古法,不忘始創人種精益求精的精神,繼續為發揚廣東麵食而努力,並在澳門議事亭前地開設分店,以方便食家,遊客品嘗此具有廣東傳統的雲吞麵食。 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Cantonese noodles originated from the area of Canton (Guang-zhou) and are made with a bamboo stick (as a pivotal mechanism to compress the flour mix). The golden era of noodle eatery was in 1920-1930 when Canton was rapidly developing. The best noodle masters were from Hua-yuan. The founder of this shop, Wong Wun Chi, learnt the skill from a famous Hua-yuan master in 1940 in Canton and opened the first shop in SheLung in 1946 with immediate success. He then opened the first shop in Canton in 1951 and later moved to Macau in 1959 to the premises in Rua de Cinco de Outubro. During 40 years of stable environment in Macau, he was not satisfied with the traditional skill so, enhanced it to the higher level by carefully selecting quality ingredients. This famous shop was twice selected to perform their unique skill of noodle making with a bamboo stick for the Portuguese President in his official visits to Macau. The shop is now entering the third generation, still keeping to the tradition.
The Wonton Noodle in soup or in oyster sauce is a must-try while you are visiting
Macau. Copyright © Wong Chi Kei, All rights reserved.
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